Busingiro Eco-Tourism Site is located in the south western part of Budongo forest Reserve, located to the west of Masindi. It's approximately 47 km. from Masindi Town via Kinyara and Nyabyebya. The forest is famous for its chimpanzees (600-800), which form a number of groups. 6 groups have been habituated; hence visitors have the chance of visiting them at close quarters. The forest also hosts much other rare species of birds, including the Lemon Bellied Crombec, and Chocolate-backed Kingfisher. Busingiro can be assessed as you visit Murchison falls National Park. From here you will also be able to view the blue mountains of Congo and the Rift Valley Escarpment.
Attractions: habitat of several Primate Species like Chimpanzees, Monkeys and Baboons. However, the Chimpanzees are habituated for visitor tracking. Mahogany, Iron Wood, Fig Trees, Stranglers and a host of medicinal Trees form the bulk of Floral Species, Birds, Butterflies, Reptiles, Small Mammals and other Micro Organisms.
Activities:include Forest Walks, Bird Watching, Primate Identification, Conservation Education, Research, and Butterfly Identification among others.
Accommodation: consists mainly of Camping Facilities. However, the Jane Goodall Institute is in the process of renovating and refurbishing the Tourist Banda's to house at least ten Visitors.